Kamis, 25 November 2010

Happy Thanksgiving from the MZone

Because it's Michigan-Ohio State week and our team's not taking the day off, we're not (totally) taking the day off.  Below are a couple appetizers to tide you over before your big meal today.

Have a safe and Happy Turkey Day and we'll see you Friday with another full slate here on the site!

As always, thanks for reading!

The M Zone Crew

*  For the second year in a row, the Ohio State Sell-Outs Buckeyes are once again wearing Nike promotional uniforms for the Michigan-Ohio State game.  Seriously, guys.  That's shit your do for your Youngstown State game, not The Game.

In any event, this year's look features scarlet helmets, scarlet jerseys, gray pants and gray socks.  The Tosu unis are throwbacks intended to honor the '42 Buckeye National Championship team.  "1942" will be written on their gloves (gloves?) and they will have a bronze star on the back of each helmet to honor that team's captain, who was recognized for heroism during the Battle of the Bulge, and others from that team who went off to World War II.

Not to be outdone, and in keeping the theme from this year's defense, some have suggested a decal on Michigan's helmets as well.

* Our buddy Mikoyan has this excellent panoramic shot of the Big House on his photography-themed blog, Michigan Exposures.  Simply awesome!

* Speaking of Michigan Exposures, Mik also went to the Detroit Zoo and snapped the pictures below of the wolverines there.  But as Mikoyan said on his site, "I really wanted to see the wolverines but both of them were sleeping."

Gee, who knew Greg Robinson also worked part-time at the zoo?

* Lou Holtz really was a 'Cock

The Wiz put up this clip of Lou Holtz being a complete a-hole during his days South Carolina head coach.  In it, an intern for a local TV station - mind you, not the person making the decisions - makes Holtz wait - gasp! - an extra couple minutes for the interview to start.  What a 'Cock.

* A Michigan-Ohio State themed video from PMSports.

* By popular request from our readers, here again are Tosu's Sleepy Rappers

* Finally, say it with me Buckeye fans...


Yes, sometimes those four letter words are the hardest ones to spell.

(HT to JW for the pic which, in searching for its original link, I also found on MGoBlog)

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